[][src]Module rendy_core::hal::prelude

Prelude module re-exports all the traits necessary to use gfx-hal.



Represents a physical device (such as a GPU) capable of supporting the given backend.


A trait that describes all the operations that must be provided by a Backend's command buffer.




The allocated command buffers are associated with the creating command queue.


RawCommandQueue are abstractions to the internal GPU execution engines. Commands are executed on the the device by submitting command buffers to queues.


General information about a queue family, available upon adapter discovery.


A surface trait that exposes the ability to present images on the associtated swap chain.


A Surface abstracts the surface of a native window.


The Swapchain is the backend representation of the surface. It consists of multiple buffers, which will be presented on the surface.


An instantiated backend.


A descriptor pool is a collection of memory from which descriptor sets are allocated.