Module gfx::device::tex
Texture creation and modification.
"Texture" is an overloaded term. In gfx-rs, a texture consists of two separate pieces of information: image storage description (which is immutable for a single texture object), and image data. To actually use a texture, a "sampler" is needed, which provides a way of accessing the image data. Image data consists of an array of "texture elements", or texels.
ImageInfo |
Describes a subvolume of a texture, which image data can be uploaded into. |
SamplerInfo |
Specifies how to sample from a texture. |
SurfaceInfo |
Describes the storage of a surface. |
TextureInfo |
Describes the storage of a texture. |
AaMode |
Describes the configuration of samples inside each texel. |
ComparisonMode |
Specified how the Comparison operator should be used when sampling |
Components |
Describes the color components of each texel. |
Compression |
Codec used to compress image data. |
CubeFace |
The face of a cube texture to do an operation on. |
FilterMethod |
How to filter the texture when sampling. They correspond to increasing levels of quality, but also cost. They "layer" on top of each other: it is not possible to have bilinear filtering without mipmapping, for example. |
Format |
Describes the layout of each texel within a surface/texture. |
SurfaceError |
Surface creation/update error. |
TextureError |
Texture creation/update error. |
TextureKind |
Specifies how a given texture may be used. The available texture types are
restricted by what Metal exposes, though this could conceivably be
extended in the future. Note that a single texture can only ever be of
one kind. A texture created as |
WrapMode |
Specifies how texture coordinates outside the range |
R8 |
A single R-component 8-bit normalized format. |
A standard RGBA 16-bit floating-point format. |
A standard RGBA 32-bit floating-point format. |
A standard RGBA 8-bit normalized format. |
Type Definitions
Bits |
Number of bits per component |
NumFragments |
Number of EQAA fragments |
NumSamples |
Number of MSAA samples |
Size |
Dimension size |