Module gfx::device
Graphics device. Not meant for direct use.
attrib |
Vertex attribute types. |
draw |
Command Buffer device interface |
handle |
Device resource handles |
mapping |
Memory mapping |
shade |
Shader handling. |
state |
Fixed-function hardware state. |
target |
Render target specification. |
tex |
Texture creation and modification. |
BufferInfo |
An information block that is immutable and associated with each buffer |
Capabilities |
Features that the device supports. |
NotSupported |
Generic error for features that are not supported by the device capabilities. |
BufferRole |
Role of the memory buffer. GLES doesn't chaning bind points for buffers. |
BufferUsage |
A hint as to how this buffer will be used. |
MapAccess |
Specifies the access allowed to a buffer mapping. |
PrimitiveType |
Describes what geometric primitives are created from vertex data. |
Device |
An interface for performing draw calls using a specific graphics API |
Factory | |
Resources |
Resources pertaining to a specific API. |
as_byte_slice |
Treat a given slice as |
Type Definitions
AttributeSlot |
Slot for an attribute. |
IndexType |
A type of each index value in the mesh's index buffer |
InstanceCount |
Draw number of instances |
SubmitInfo |
All the data needed simultaneously for submitting a command buffer for execution on a device. |
TextureSlot |
Slot a texture can be bound to. |
UniformBlockIndex |
Index of a uniform block. |
UniformBufferSlot |
Slot for a uniform buffer object. |
VertexCount |
Draw vertex count. |