Struct conrod::Ui [−] [src]

pub struct Ui<C, W = ()> where W: CustomWidget {
    pub theme: Theme,
    pub mouse: Mouse,
    pub keys_just_pressed: Vec<Key>,
    pub keys_just_released: Vec<Key>,
    pub text_just_entered: Vec<String>,
    pub character_cache: C,
    pub win_w: f64,
    pub win_h: f64,
    // some fields omitted

Ui is the most important type within Conrod and is necessary for rendering and maintaining widget state.

Ui Handles the following:



The theme used to set default styling for widgets.


The latest received mouse state.


Keys that have been pressed since the end of the last render cycle.


Keys that have been released since the end of the last render cycle.


Text that has been entered since the end of the last render cycle.


Cache for character textures, used for label width calculation and glyph rendering.


Window width.


Window height.


impl<C, W> Ui<C, W> where W: CustomWidget

fn new(character_cache: C, theme: Theme) -> Ui<C, W>

Constructor for a UiContext.

fn widget_size(&self, ui_id: UiId) -> Dimensions

Return the dimensions of a Canvas.

fn canvas_size(&self, id: CanvasId) -> Dimensions

Return the dimensions of a Canvas.

fn handle_event<E: GenericEvent>(&mut self, event: &E)

Handle game events and update the state.

fn get_character(&mut self, size: FontSize, ch: char) -> &Character<C> where C: CharacterCache

Return a reference to a Character from the GlyphCache.

fn get_character_w(&mut self, size: FontSize, ch: char) -> f64 where C: CharacterCache

Return the width of a 'Character'.

fn flush_input(&mut self)

Flush all stored keys.

fn get_mouse_state(&self, ui_id: UiId) -> Mouse

Return the current mouse state. If the Ui has been captured and the given ui_id doesn't match the captured ui_id, return the captured mouse state.

fn get_pressed_keys(&self, ui_id: UiId) -> &[Key]

Return the vector of recently pressed keys.

fn get_entered_text(&self, ui_id: UiId) -> &[String]

Return the vector of recently entered text.

fn get_widget_mut(&mut self, ui_id: UiId, default: WidgetKind<W>) -> &mut WidgetKind<W>

Return a mutable reference to the widget that matches the given ui_id

fn update_canvas(&mut self, id: CanvasId, kind: CanvasKind, xy: Point, padding: Padding, maybe_new_element: Option<Element>)

Update the given canvas.

fn update_widget(&mut self, ui_id: UiId, kind: WidgetKind<W>, xy: Point, depth: Depth, maybe_new_element: Option<Element>) where W: Debug

Update the given widget at the given UiId.

fn get_xy(&self, position: Position, dim: Dimensions, h_align: HorizontalAlign, v_align: VerticalAlign) -> Point

Get the centred xy coords for some given Dimensions, Position and alignment.

fn mouse_captured_by(&mut self, ui_id: UiId)

Indicate that the widget with the given UiId has captured the mouse.

fn mouse_uncaptured_by(&mut self, ui_id: UiId)

Indicate that the widget is no longer capturing the mouse.

fn keyboard_captured_by(&mut self, ui_id: UiId)

Indicate that the widget with the given UiId has captured the keyboard.

fn keyboard_uncaptured_by(&mut self, ui_id: UiId)

Indicate that the widget is no longer capturing the keyboard.

fn draw<G>(&mut self, graphics: &mut G) where C: CharacterCache, G: Graphics<Texture=C>

Draw the Ui in it's current state. - The order of drawing is as follows: 1. Canvas splits. 2. Widgets on Canvas splits. 3. Floating Canvasses. 4. Widgets on Floating Canvasses. - Widgets are sorted by capturing and then render depth (depth first). - Construct the elmesque Renderer for rendering the elm Elements. - Render all widgets.