Module skeletal_animation::blend_tree
AdditiveAnimNode |
An AnimNode where pose output is additive blend with output of additive_input added to base_input, with blend factor according to value of blend_param |
AnimBlendTree |
A tree of AnimNodes |
ClipAnimNode |
An AnimNode where pose output is from an animation ClipInstance |
LerpAnimNode |
An AnimNode where pose output is linear blend between the output of the two input AnimNodes, with blend factor according the blend_param value |
AnimNodeHandle | |
BlendTreeNodeDef |
Definition of a blend tree, used by AnimationController to construct an AnimBlendTree |
AnimNode |
Type Definitions
ClipId |
Identifier for an AnimationClip within a BlendTreeNodeDef |
ParamId |
Identifier for animation controller parameter, within a LerpNode |