use std::ptr;
use std::fmt;
use std::error::Error;
use pixel_buffer::PixelBuffer;
use texture::ClientFormat;
use texture::PixelValue;
use image_format::{TextureFormatRequest, TextureFormat};
use fbo;
use fbo::FramebuffersContainer;
use buffer::BufferAny;
use BufferExt;
use Rect;
use context::CommandContext;
use gl;
use version::Version;
use version::Api;
pub enum Source<'a> {
Attachment(&'a fbo::RegularAttachment<'a>),
impl<'a> From<&'a fbo::RegularAttachment<'a>> for Source<'a> {
fn from(a: &'a fbo::RegularAttachment<'a>) -> Source<'a> {
pub enum Destination<'a, P> where P: PixelValue {
Memory(&'a mut Vec<P>),
PixelBuffer(&'a PixelBuffer<P>),
impl<'a, P> From<&'a mut Vec<P>> for Destination<'a, P> where P: PixelValue {
fn from(mem: &'a mut Vec<P>) -> Destination<'a, P> {
impl<'a, P> From<&'a PixelBuffer<P>> for Destination<'a, P> where P: PixelValue {
fn from(pb: &'a PixelBuffer<P>) -> Destination<'a, P> {
pub enum ReadError {
impl fmt::Display for ReadError {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::ReadError::*;
let desc = match *self {
OutputFormatNotSupported =>
"The implementation doesn't support converting to the requested output format",
AttachmentTypeNotSupported =>
"The implementation doesn't support reading a depth, depth-stencil or stencil attachment",
ClampingNotSupported =>
"Clamping the values is not supported by the implementation",
impl Error for ReadError {}
pub fn read<'a, S, D, T>(mut ctxt: &mut CommandContext, source: S, rect: &Rect, dest: D,
clamp: bool) -> Result<(), ReadError>
where S: Into<Source<'a>>, D: Into<Destination<'a, T>>,
T: PixelValue
let source = source.into();
let dest = dest.into();
let output_pixel_format = <T as PixelValue>::get_format();
let pixels_to_read = rect.width * rect.height;
if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::GlEs, 2, 0) && output_pixel_format != ClientFormat::U8U8U8U8 {
return Err(ReadError::OutputFormatNotSupported);
if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::Gl, 3, 0) {
unsafe {
if clamp && ctxt.state.clamp_color != gl::TRUE as gl::types::GLenum {, gl::TRUE as gl::types::GLenum);
ctxt.state.clamp_color = gl::TRUE as gl::types::GLenum;
} else if !clamp && ctxt.state.clamp_color != gl::FALSE as gl::types::GLenum {, gl::FALSE as gl::types::GLenum);
ctxt.state.clamp_color = gl::FALSE as gl::types::GLenum;
} else {
if clamp {
return Err(ReadError::ClampingNotSupported);
match source {
Source::Attachment(attachment) => {
unsafe { FramebuffersContainer::bind_framebuffer_for_reading(&mut ctxt, attachment) };
Source::DefaultFramebuffer(read_buffer) => {
FramebuffersContainer::bind_default_framebuffer_for_reading(&mut ctxt, read_buffer);
enum ReadSourceType { Color, Depth, Stencil, DepthStencil }
let (integer, read_src_type) = match source {
Source::Attachment(attachment) => {
match attachment {
&fbo::RegularAttachment::Texture(ref tex) => {
let integer = match tex.get_texture().get_requested_format() {
TextureFormatRequest::Specific(TextureFormat::UncompressedIntegral(_)) => true,
TextureFormatRequest::Specific(TextureFormat::UncompressedUnsigned(_)) => true,
TextureFormatRequest::AnyIntegral => true,
TextureFormatRequest::AnyUnsigned => true,
_ => false,
(integer, ReadSourceType::Color)
&fbo::RegularAttachment::RenderBuffer(ref rb) => {
(false, ReadSourceType::Color)
Source::DefaultFramebuffer(read_buffer) => {
(false, ReadSourceType::Color)
if ctxt.version >= &Version(Api::GlEs, 2, 0) {
match read_src_type {
ReadSourceType::Color => (),
ReadSourceType::Depth => if !ctxt.extensions.gl_nv_read_depth {
return Err(ReadError::AttachmentTypeNotSupported);
ReadSourceType::DepthStencil => if !ctxt.extensions.gl_nv_read_depth_stencil {
return Err(ReadError::AttachmentTypeNotSupported);
ReadSourceType::Stencil => if !ctxt.extensions.gl_nv_read_stencil {
return Err(ReadError::AttachmentTypeNotSupported);
let (format, gltype) = match read_src_type {
ReadSourceType::Color => {
client_format_to_gl_enum(&output_pixel_format, integer)
ReadSourceType::Depth => {
ReadSourceType::DepthStencil => unimplemented!(),
ReadSourceType::Stencil => {
unsafe {
match dest {
Destination::Memory(dest) => {
let mut buf = Vec::with_capacity(pixels_to_read as usize);
let ptr = buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut D;
let ptr = ptr as usize;
if (ptr % 8) == 0 {
} else if (ptr % 4) == 0 && ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment != 4 {
ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment = 4;, 4);
} else if (ptr % 2) == 0 && ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment > 2 {
ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment = 2;, 2);
} else if ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment != 1 {
ctxt.state.pixel_store_pack_alignment = 1;, 1);
} as gl::types::GLint, rect.bottom as gl::types::GLint,
rect.width as gl::types::GLsizei,
rect.height as gl::types::GLsizei, format, gltype,
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut _);
buf.set_len(pixels_to_read as usize);
*dest = buf;
Destination::PixelBuffer(pixel_buffer) => {
assert!(pixel_buffer.len() >= pixels_to_read as usize);
pixel_buffer.prepare_and_bind_for_pixel_pack(&mut ctxt); as gl::types::GLint, rect.bottom as gl::types::GLint,
rect.width as gl::types::GLsizei,
rect.height as gl::types::GLsizei, format, gltype,
::pixel_buffer::store_infos(pixel_buffer, (rect.width, rect.height));
fn client_format_to_gl_enum(format: &ClientFormat, integer: bool)
-> (gl::types::GLenum, gl::types::GLenum)
let (format, ty) = match *format {
ClientFormat::U8 => (gl::RED, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE),
ClientFormat::U8U8 => (gl::RG, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE),
ClientFormat::U8U8U8 => (gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE),
ClientFormat::U8U8U8U8 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE),
ClientFormat::I8 => (gl::RED, gl::BYTE),
ClientFormat::I8I8 => (gl::RG, gl::BYTE),
ClientFormat::I8I8I8 => (gl::RGB, gl::BYTE),
ClientFormat::I8I8I8I8 => (gl::RGBA, gl::BYTE),
ClientFormat::U16 => (gl::RED, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT),
ClientFormat::U16U16 => (gl::RG, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT),
ClientFormat::U16U16U16 => (gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT),
ClientFormat::U16U16U16U16 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT),
ClientFormat::I16 => (gl::RED, gl::SHORT),
ClientFormat::I16I16 => (gl::RG, gl::SHORT),
ClientFormat::I16I16I16 => (gl::RGB, gl::SHORT),
ClientFormat::I16I16I16I16 => (gl::RGBA, gl::SHORT),
ClientFormat::U32 => (gl::RED, gl::UNSIGNED_INT),
ClientFormat::U32U32 => (gl::RG, gl::UNSIGNED_INT),
ClientFormat::U32U32U32 => (gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_INT),
ClientFormat::U32U32U32U32 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_INT),
ClientFormat::I32 => (gl::RED, gl::INT),
ClientFormat::I32I32 => (gl::RG, gl::INT),
ClientFormat::I32I32I32 => (gl::RGB, gl::INT),
ClientFormat::I32I32I32I32 => (gl::RGBA, gl::INT),
ClientFormat::U3U3U2 => (gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_BYTE_3_3_2),
ClientFormat::U5U6U5 => (gl::RGB, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5),
ClientFormat::U4U4U4U4 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4),
ClientFormat::U5U5U5U1 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1),
ClientFormat::U10U10U10U2 => (gl::RGBA, gl::UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2),
ClientFormat::F16 => (gl::RED, gl::HALF_FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F16F16 => (gl::RG, gl::HALF_FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F16F16F16 => (gl::RGB, gl::HALF_FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F16F16F16F16 => (gl::RGBA, gl::HALF_FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F32 => (gl::RED, gl::FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F32F32 => (gl::RG, gl::FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F32F32F32 => (gl::RGB, gl::FLOAT),
ClientFormat::F32F32F32F32 => (gl::RGBA, gl::FLOAT),
let format = if integer {
match format {
gl::RED => gl::RED_INTEGER,
gl::RG => gl::RG_INTEGER,
gl::RGB => gl::RGB_INTEGER,
_ => unreachable!()
} else {
(format, ty)